VIN Search


It is crucial to have the right tools to do a Nationwide VIN Search when you are buying a used car or have any abandoned cars.  The current owner may or may not have left you their name, address and phone number when the vehicle came in. If they don\’t answer the phone or return your calls, you can do a nationwide VIN search. By doing this, you can get information to help you resolve your unpaid bill.

A Florida Vin Search will tell you if there are any current assigned lien-holders on the title. This will allow you to contact the lienholder directly by phone or mail. Sometimes the lien holder will work with you to pay the past due bill so they can repossess the vehicle.  Especially if the vehicle owner hasn\’t been making thier loan payment and it\’s in a repo status.   If the lien holder does not cooperate with you, then it may be time to file a lien. Filing a lien on the vehicle could be the best way to enforce payment due to you or transfer of title ownership if you qualify.

Our Nationwide Vin Search will provide valuable information to help locate important title data such as the vehicle\’s history, value, last reported mileage and the current titled State.  


Contact FL Title Agency for more information on this process. We can assist you with various types of liens on any motor vehicle, vessel or mobile home so you can get paid or get the title.  Our telephone number is 727-286-7150.  




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